(L to R: Clue card, Map card, GeoPlunge card, Power card, Challenge card)
Each deck contains 45 Clue cards, 50 Map cards, 50 GeoPlunge cards, 15 Power cards, and 63 Challenge cards.
State name and abbreviation/postal code
Note: Color designations relate to time zones. A dot in the upper right corner indicates a secondary time zone for that state. Red: Eastern Time Zone Green: Central Time Zone Blue: Mountain Time Zone Purple: Pacific Time Zone Brown: Alaska Orange: Hawaii
Statehood: State rank based on the date the state entered the Union
PATOS: President at the Time of Statehood
State Flag
Size: State rank based on square mileage of the state; Percent Water: Percent water of the state
Population: State rank based on population
Census information for 2000 and 2010. Electoral Votes: Number of Electoral Votes during an election